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Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Definition of Ready (DoR)

Definition of Ready:

Definition of Ready (DoR) is a checklist that confirms and helps team to commit a work item as part of the Sprint Backlog.


In general, checklist is a list which helps us to track the list of items that are required to complete a task or work.



Let us consider a scenario:

Trip Preparation

Trip Preparation

I am planning for a trip. As part of my trip preparation, i prepare a checklist which lists certain items like:

  1. Prepare Baggage

  2. Book flight tickets

  3. Make the route map for site visit

  4. Book Accommodation

During the preparation, i book the tickets, then i confirm in my checklist that i have booked the tickets.

Similar way, i complete each and every item in the checklist to confirm that i am really "READY" for the trip.

What is the advantage of making a checklist?

The advantage of a checklist is, it helps us to track all the required items that are required for a specific job. In addition it also helps me to identify any dependencies or risks that are associated with a specific item.

Booking Accommodation - Manage Risk

Booking Accommodation - Manage Risk

In this scenario, let's consider a situation, while booking accommodation i realized that the hotel i am looking for is already booked. Now i have the option and time to manage this risk to identify another suitable accommodation. If in case, i haven't added this in the checklist, i may end up in a situation to find a suitable accommodation at that moment of realization, which may turn my trip an unpleasant one.

Ferry Ride - Manage Dependency

Ferry Ride - Manage Dependency

Let's consider one more scenario, during the route map preparation, i came to know to visit "Ferry ride", its mandatory to book the tickets a day prior and direct ticket booking is not allowed. If i haven't prepared this checklist, i may not be aware of this dependency and because of which i would have completely missed the Ferry ride.

DoR a Checklist:

Definition of Ready - Checklist

Definition of Ready - Checklist

Definition of Ready (DoR) is a checklist which helps team members to commit work items like User Stories, Defects, Spikes, Technical Debts from Product Backlog to Sprint Backlog

DoR - Who, When, What, How?

DoR - How, Who, When

DoR - Who, When, What, How?

DoR checklist is prepared by team which is facilitated by Scrum Master. For a new team, as part of defining process, Definition of Ready checklist is written.

During Backlog Refinement meeting, before Product Owner starts the refinement, its important for a Scrum Master to monitor the DoR attributes. If most of the attributes are missing, then Scrum Master should inform this to Product Owner to hold this work item from refinement, because team may not be able to receive 100% clarity with available information.

In cases where few attributes of DoR are missing, Scrum Master should confirm with Product Owner about the impact of missing attributes in the refinement session. If the impact is zero or minimum in the refinement session, Product Owner will pick the work item for the refinement.

At the same time, Scrum Master should make a note of the DoR attributes that are not met and create relevant "Action items" by identifying action owners and target date for closure of action item. For example, if UI/UX designs are missing, Scrum Master should create an action item to get the Designs from Design team and target to get it well before the Sprint Planning event. This way team will resolve the Design dependency prior the Sprint Planning event and will not face any blocker during Sprint execution.

On Sprint Planning day, team will be committing the work items that are meeting the DoR and pull it as part of the Sprint Backlog from Product Backlog. Work items that are unable to meet the DoR cannot be made as part of the Sprint Backlog even though it holds high priority.

In nutshell, with the help of the DoR, team is able to get the minimum set of information and details that are required to commit a work item. In addition to that monitoring DoR from refinement meeting helps to understand what are the gaps that need to be filled before committing the work item. Because of this, team will not face any risk or dependencies during the Sprint execution. 

It is always a good practice to commit work items which met DoR.

Sample DoR Checklist:

  1. Work item must adhere to guidelines (Example 3C, INVEST, SMART)

  2. Acceptance Criteria must be available with both Functional and Non-Functional details of the requirement

  3. Wire frames must be available

Who can change the DoR and when can DoR can be changed?

Definition of Ready checklist is a dynamic checklist. It is not a static checklist in which once defined, no one can change it later.

Retrospective Meeting

Retrospective Meeting

Definition of Ready checklist can be updated during Retrospective meetings. As part of continuous improvement, it is the responsibility of the Scrum Master to visit the Definition of Ready checklist during the Retrospective meeting and collect feedback from team about the required modifications and update the checklist.


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